Another weekend is upon us already and so are those great hair sales! This post will as always be updated throughout the weekend as new sales post their ads, so be sure to keep checking back! EscalateD. Lesli hair. Unrigged, resizeable, includes Unnatural and Natural Essentials HUDs, Streaks/Duo versions, styleHUD and colorpicker for headpiece. 75L for Fly By Fridays. Demo is available. EscalateD. Jamie hair. Rigged with 2 sizes. Includes Unnatural and Natural Essentials HUDs, Streaks/Duo versions. 35L for 35L Sunday. Demo is available. EscalateD. Umeko hair. Unrigged/resizeable. Includes Unnatural and Natural Essentials HUDs, Streaks/Duoversions. 25L for 25L Tuesday . Demo is available. N0 Match. No_Single hair. Unisex mesh hair. Choice of 4 color packs, 50L each for Wanderlust Weekend. Demo is available. Fabia Lilis Rigged Hair. Includes styleHUD. Choice of 5 color packs 50L each for Energy Weekend. Demo is available. Fabia Camellia Unrigged/resizeable Hair. Includes styleHUD. Choice of 5 color packs 50L each for Energy Weekend. Demo is available. Milena/Marlena hair gacha. 25L/Play, demo is available. For Energy Weekend TOKIO. Xenia rigged and flex mesh hair BOM hairbase included. Black color pack available for 50L for Energy Weekend. Demo is available. TOKIO. Pocah rigged mesh hair Optional mesh hairbase included. Choice of 5 color packs available 75L for MIIX Weekend. Demo is available. TOKIO. Tina rigged mesh hair. Optional mesh hairbase included. Choice of 5 color packs available 60L for Happy Weekend (Subject to change tomorrow). Demo is available. Rama Salon. Negin hair. Choice of 11 color packs available 75L each for Saturday Sale. Demo is available. Opale. Valeri hair Choice of 6 color packs 75L each for Saturday Sale. Demo is available. Opale. Ulyana hair Choice of 6 color packs 75L each for Saturday Sale. Demo is available. Alantori. Izara hair. 75L for Saturday Sale. Demo is available. Analog Dog Coda non-rigged and flex hair. Full-color pack 50L for Wanderlust Weekend. Demo is available. Analog Dog Zsa and Keli hairs. Each 60L for Happy Weekend. Demo is available. Analog Dog Glamp non-rigged/flex hair. Variety pack 50L for Energy Weekend. Demo is available. Analog Dog Coda Variety pack 50L for Black Monday. Demo is available. Olive. The Monday hair. Fatpack is 75L for Saturday Sale. Demo is available Olive. The Yen hair. Fatpack 60L for Happy Weekend. Demo is available. CAMO Abra Braids Choice of 5 color packs, 60L each for Happy Weekend. Demo available. RunAway Samatha hair. Includes 14 hair tie colors, rigged and unrigged. Choice of 6 color packs, 75L each for Saturday Sale. Demo is available. Tokio. David hair Choice of 4 color HUDs 60L each for Happy Weekend. Demo is available. Tokio. Silvia hair Choice of 5 color HUDs 60L each for Happy Weekend. Demo is available. Fiore Alessia 60L for Happy Weekend. Demo is available. Navy + Copper Darcy Hair. 2 color packs 60L Each for Happy Weekend. Demo is available.
This week, two vendors are offering discounts on hairstyles. Prices good Tuesday 2/23 only. See below for pictures, information, and links to the vendor stores. No Match - No Hands Off hairstyle comes with an optional bow and two styling options. This sale is for the blonde color pack only and costs $100L. Demo available. Chain - The Babygirl hairstyle comes in various sizes and includes a styling HUD. $150L per color pack.
Sintiklia is a great store that offers an amazing array of free gifts to anyone who visits the store (joining their group is not required). There are many, many free hairstyles as well as hair attachments such as bangs and baby hairs. But that's not all: there is also free makeup, jewelry, eyes, as well as shapes for several Catwa heads. The pictures below are just a tiny sample of the many free hair products you can find on the "Free Gifts" wall. Visit the store to see and try all the freebies for yourself.
Another weekend is upon us already and so are those great hair sales! This post will as always be updated throughout the weekend as new sales post their ads, so be sure to keep checking back! EscalateD. Jaina hair. 50L Special sale SATURDAY. Rigged hair, streak version, includes both Natural and Unnatural Essentials HUDs. Demo available. EscalateD. Castie hair. Unrigged hair, streaks/duo version, includes both Natural/Unnatural Essentials HUDs and styleHUD. 25L for 25L Tuesdays. Demo available. EscalateD. Fortune hair. Fitted hair in 2 sizes, streaks/duo/mirror version, includes both Natural/Unnatural Essentials HUDs. 35L for 35L Sunday. Demo available. EscalateD. Arvella hair. Fitted hair in 2 sizes, streaks/duo/mirror version, includes both Natural/Unnatural Essentials HUDs and styleHUD. 75L for Fly By Friday. Demo available. Exile - Thinking About You. Unisex hair. Choice of 2 5 color packs, 50L each for Fifty Linden Friday. Demo available. MINA Sigrid hair. Fitted and unrigged mesh hair. Includes style HUD. Choice of 2 texture packs 50L each for Fifty Linden Friday. Demo is available. Moon. Taylah hair. Choice of Primary Pack or Styler HUD 60L each for Happy Weekend. Demo is available Opale. Madison hair. Choice of 6 color packs 60L each for Happy Weekend. Demo is available Opale. Granola hair. Choice of 6 color packs 75L each for Saturday Sale. Demo is available Analog Dog. Tawny hair. Variety pack or Annoh hair Alt-color pack 60L each for Happy Weekend. Demos available. Analog Dog - Lio hair. Variety pack 50L for Black Monday sale. Demo available. Analog Dog. Glamp Hair Variety pack. 50L for Energy Weekend. Demo available. Analog Dog. Abalaone hair Full-color pack. 50L for Wanderlust Weekend. Demo available. TOKIO Romeo hair. Choice of 4 color packs, 50L each for Manly Weekend. Demo is available. TOKIO Tina hair. Choice of 5 color packs, 60L each for Happy Weekend. Demo is available. TOKIO Pocah hair. Choice of 5 color packs, 75L each for MIIX Weekend. Demo is available. Sintiklia. Connor hair. Choice of 4 color packs, 60L each for Happy Weekend. Demo is available. Sintiklia - Willow hair. Choice of 3 color packs 60L each for Happy Weekend. Demo is available. VOLT Dexter hair. Choice of 2 color packs, 60L each for Happy Weekend. Demo is available. Buing. Noellie Hair. Choice of 2 color packs 75L each for Saturday Sale. Demo is available. Rama Salon. Linette hair. Choice of 11 color packs, 75L each for Saturday Sale. Demo is available. RunAway Ofelia hair. Choice of 6 color packs, 75L each for Saturday Sale. Demo is available. Fabia Gacha hair. Denise/Debbie/Deborah 25L/play for Energy Weekend. Demo is available. Fabia Natashia and Mila hair. Both have choice of 5 color packs 50L each for Energy Weekend. Demos available.
Fabia has two women's hairstyles for sale on the Second Life Marketplace for only $1L each! Check out the details below. LILAK - This hairstyle includes three styling options and all the colors shown in the picture. Because it is unrigged, it can be resized and repositioned if needed. No demo available. RIMA - This hairstyle includes 30 colors. No demo available.
May 2024